in·spir·it - verb - to enliven, encourage, embolden
We help exceptional teams build exceptional products by diagnosing with data and treating with design.
Our Work

Inspirit is an advisory firm that partners with fast-scaling tech companies to build and scale products that people love.

We believe the best products are built when you design for people problems, make analytical decisions based on data, and thoughtfully craft your organization's culture. It's in these areas that we specialize, as former heads of data and design at Facebook.

We love to roll up our sleeves and work in a deeply embedded manner with CEOs, senior executives and decision makers on their biggest challenges.

We are seasoned operators with a combined 20 years of experience building products used by billions of people and leading organizations through incredible scale.

Our success metric is tangible impact for companies, and our values are four-fold: be people-centric, hypothesis-led, feedback-forward and systems-oriented.

Our Team
Chandra Narayanan
Chandra was most recently the Chief Data Scientist at Sequoia Capital, where he developed data models for investment decisions as well as advised portfolio companies on scaling their products and teams with a data-informed approach. Prior to that, Chandra led analytics for Facebook's core app for 7 years, where he helped build Facebook's data discipline across products such as News Feed, Ads, Groups, Search, Instagram and more. Chandra holds a Ph.D from the University of Delaware.
Julie Zhuo
Julie was most recently VP of design and research for the Facebook app, where she helped scale the service from 8 million users to over 2 billion in her 13 years there. She has worked on products spanning News Feed and Stories, Groups, video, commerce and Workplace. Julie is the author of a field guide for new managers, The Making of a Manager, an instant Wall Street Journal bestseller and one of Amazon's Best Business and Leadership Books of 2019. Julie graduated with a computer science degree from Stanford University.